Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Negative Response Regarding Request For A Letter Of Recommendation

A letter of advice or recommendation letter, additionally referred to as a letter of reference, reference letter or just reference, is where the adviser assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform a selected task or operation.

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If you’re a senior at your company and you find yourself in a sticky situation where a former employee rings up to ask her for a letter of recommendation. You don’t want to do this, but you tell them you’ll get back to them.

Now, this employee had been pretty unpopular at the firm and was known for “for the sake of this conversation, let’s say” having a bad temper that came with tantrums when things didn’t go their way. It bears the question, how, in good conscience, do you write a letter of reference for someone you actually do not approve of.

The art of declination or Saying “No” is in reality a skill that many people don’t have. But, when you think about it, it is one life’s important skill, it helps one to minimize the stressful situations and increase your productivity rate.

As many people do. One will often agonize with regards to saying “No” to the next person thus getting pressured into doing things they really don’t want to see themselves do. The reality is that, declining someone isn’t as hard as you might think it is. If you say to somebody “no, thank you.” assertively and clearly, chances are you would more than likely gain their respect rather than lose it.

After all you are never obligation to write someone a recommendation letter.
In this article we provide you with a form to politely and diplomatically decline such request without offending the person asking for it. The best approach is to do decline the other party without making your refusal sound like a personal criticism or a professional rejection.

There form can be used to provide many suitable excuses, for example:

In a situation where not really acquainted with the individual…
With the form you able to advise them that the best recommendations come from people who value your character and work skills. Easily and effectively communicate that it is in no one’s best interest for you to endorse someone you can’t speak genuinely about or someone you don’t intimately know.

If the individual insists on pursuing the matter (because some will), using the same letter and a little bit of nipping and tucking, intelligently explain that you not feeling comfortable about writing them recommendation as your integrity and professionalism as a brand is on the line with each recommendation you make.

Top Tip: Use “I” statements rather than “you”- “I feel that we are not adequately acquainted…” instead of “You haven’t made a good impression on me.”

Some seniors in companies will give negative references without considering how it will impact the individual, professionally or psychologically. It’s better not to give a recommendation at all rather than a vague or a negative one.

Steve Jobs is quoted as saying - “Innovation is saying “no” to one thousand things.”

This article contains the form A Non-Abrasive Way to Decline to Write a Letter of Recommendation. This and other Human Resources letters can be found at the Business Own Corporation MIND Repository.

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Letter of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation in which a writer (usually a person in a supervisory role) evaluates the skills, work habits, and achievements of an individual applying for a employment, for admission to graduate school, or for some other professional position. Also called a letter of reference.

When requesting a letter of recommendation (from a former professor or supervisor, for instance), you should (a) clearly identify the deadline for submitting the letter and provide adequate notice, and (b) offer your reference with specific data regarding the position being applied for.

Many prospective employers and graduate colleges request that recommendations be submitted online, usually within the prescribed format.